Zoriana Kruk

French Instructor


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PositionFrench Instructor

Education :

1999-2004: Kyiv National Linguistic University, Philologist, Lecturer of French and English languages and World literature.


2018: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (l’université d’été de Tchernivtsi; Methodical internship for French language teachers, the association Echanges Lorraine Ukraine (ELU) and the Embassy of France).

2021 : online internship “Jouer pour apprendre”. Paris IF.

2021 : online internship “Formation numérique pour professeurs “Apprendre de tous, savoir ensemble”. Francophonia, Nice. France.

Professional experience:

2004-2005 Lecturer at the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Kyiv Open International University of Human Development.

Since 2005 : French Philology Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Research Interestslinguocultural and comparative aspects of the study of French language and literature.

Publications : 6 scientific and educational publications.

Languages : Ukrainian (fluent), French (fluent), English (fluent).

Participation in conferences: participation in Ukrainian and International scientific-practical conferences, in particular: 7th International scientific-methodical conference (Kharkiv, 2014), 4th Ukrainian scientific conference of novelists (Dnipropetrovsk, 2013).

Additional Information :

Member of the public organization Pari-IF.

  1. Kruk Z.M. Koreliatsiia Deiktychnykh Funktsii Diieslivnykh Form I Temporalnoi Leksyky U Frantsuzkii Movi. Zbior raportow naukowych. „Pytania. Odpowiedzi. Hipotezy: nauka XXI stulecie”. – Warszawa : Wydawca : Sp. z o.o. „Diamond trading tour”, 2014. P. 64-70.
  2. Kruk Z.M. Analitychni Zasoby Vyrazhennia Aspektualnosti Temporalnykh Form Frantsuzkoi Movy. Materialy VII Mizhnarodnoi Naukovo-Metodychnoi Konferentsii „Metodychni Ta Psykholoho-Pedahohichni Problemy Vykladannia Inozemnykh Mov Na Suchasnomu Etapi”. Kharkiv 2014. P. 123-125.
  3. Kruk Z.M. Katehoriia Chasu U Frantsuzkii Movnii Kartyni Svitu. Strukturno-Semantychni I Kohnityvno-Dyskursyvni Paradyhmy Suchasnoho Romanskoho Movoznavstva Materialy IV Vseukrainskoi Naukovoi Konferentsii Romanistiv. Dnipropetrovsk Innovatsiia 2013. P.127–129.
  4. Voronko H.M., Kruk Z.M., Lutsik N.M. Linguistic and cultural features of phraseological units with a quantitative component-numeral (on the material of the French language). New philology. Collection of scientific papers. Zaporizhzhia: ZNU, 2020. No. 80. Volume P.103-110.

Training manuals:

  1. Kruk Z.M. Mohyla L.M. Navchalno-Metodychnyi Posibnyk Dlia Rozvytku Navychok Komunikatyvnoho Movlennia Z Rozmovnoi Temy “Voyage. Transports.” Ivano-Frankivsk Symfoniia Forte 2006. 64 p.
  2. Kruk Z.M. Shkurashivska L.M. Navchalno-Metodychnyi Posibnyk Dlia Rozvytku Navychok Komunikatyvnoho Movlennia Z Rozmovnoi Temy “Paris Et Ses Curiosités”. Ivano-Frankivsk Symfoniia Forte 2012. 64 p.
  3. Kruk Z.M. Shkurashivska L.M. Zbirnyk Leksychnykh Vprav Z Frantsuzkoi Movy. Ivano-Frankivsk Symfoniia Forte 2013. 54 p.

Лексикологія, основна іноземна мова(французька), друга іноземна мова (французька), третя іноземна мова (французька).

Lexicology; Second foreign language (French); First foreign language (French);  Third foreign language (French).


French Philology Department

57 Shevchenko street, 805

Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018


tel .: (+380342) 59-60-81

e-mail: kruk@pnu.edu.ua