French Instructor
Position: French Instructor
French Philology Department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Education :
2007 – 2011 Bachelor of Philology with Honours (French language and literature). Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ivano-Frankivsk.
2007 – 2011 Master’s degree with Honours. Philologist. Lecturer of French and English languages and World literature. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ivano-Frankivsk.
2017 – present PhD Student, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 035 – Philology.
Training course :
2023: Center Linguistic Applied, University of Franche-Comté (CLA Centre de linguistique appliquée, Université de Franche-Comté) Besançon, France. 02.08.2023 – 18.08.2023.
2016: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (l’université d’été de Tchernivtsi; Stage pédagogique FLE à Tchernivtsi).
Work Experience:
2012 – 2018: senior laboratory assistant of French Philology Department, part-time French Instructor of French Philology Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Since 2018: French Instructor of French Philology Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Research Interests : comparative literature, linguocultural and comparative aspects of the study of French language and literature.
Management of scientific work : thesis.
Languages : Ukrainian (fluent), French (fluent), English (fluent).
Additional Information :
Member of the Association of French Language Teachers of Ukraine.
Member of the public organization Pari-IF.
Expert in educational programs of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
- Feniuk L.B. Suchasna interpretatsiia arkhetypnoho obrazu Odisseia (na materiali frantsuzkoho romanu «Uliss iz Bahdada» E.-E. Shmitta ta ukrainskoho romanu «Lovets okeanu» V. Yermolenka). Visnyk nauky ta osvity. [Modern interpretation of the archetypal image of Odysseus (based on the French novel “Ulysses of Baghdad” by E.-E. Schmitt and the Ukrainian novel “Ocean Catcher” by V. Yermolenko). Bulletin of Science and Education] 2023. Ed. №3(9). P. 280-294.
- Bihun O., Voronko H., Feniuk L. Fonetychni navychky suchasnoi frantsuzkoi movy yak skladova komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity. Filolohichni traktaty. [Phonetic skills of the modern French language as a component of the communicative competence of students of higher education. Philological treatises.] 2022. T. 14, №2.
- Feniuk L.B. Metafora u zobrazhenni kartyny svitu yevreiskoi dytyny v period Druhoi svitovoi viiny (na materiali povisti Erika-Emmaniuelia Shmitta «Dytia Noia»). [Metaphor in the picture of the world of a Jewish child during the Second World War (based on the story “Noah’s Child” by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt).] Suchasni doslidzhennia z linhvistyky, literaturoznavstva i mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii (ELLIC 2022) : materialy VII Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, Ivano-Frankivsk, 04-06 zhovtnia 2022 r. / vidp. za vypusk O. A. Bihun; Prykarpatskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Vasylia Stefanyka. Elektronne vydannia. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. S. 214-217.
- Feniuk L.B. Funktsionalnist zaholovkiv na prykladi tvoriv E.-E. Shmitta «Uliss iz Bahdada» ta V. Yermolenka «Lovets okeanu. Istoriia Odisseia» // Materialy zvitnoi naukovoi vebkonferentsii vykladachiv, doktorantiv, aspirantiv universytetu za 2021 rik Prykarpatskoho natsionalnoho universytet u imeni Vasylia Stefanyka, 4–5 kvitnia 2022 r., m. Ivano-Frankivsk. Elektronne vydannia. [Functionality of titles on the example of E.-E. Schmitt’s novel “Ulysses from Baghdad” and V. Yermolenko’s novel “Ocean Catcher. The Story of Odysseus”. Materials of the scientific web conference of teachers, doctoral students, and post-graduate students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2021] Ivano-Frankivsk : Prykarpat. nats. un-t im. V. Stefanyka, 2022. P. 30-32.
- Feniuk L.B. Identychnist suchasnoho Odisseia za romanom E.-E.Shmitta «Uliss iz Bahdada». «Tsinnisni oriientyry v mystetskomu prostori – indyvid i sotsialnyi kontekst» tezy dopovidei vseukrainskoi naukovoi konferentsii z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu (April 9th 2020). [The identity of modern Odysseus based on E.-E. Schmitt’s novel “Ulysses from Baghdad”. “Value orientations in the artistic space – the individual and the social context”: theses of reports of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference with international participation (April 9, 2020).] Kharkiv 2020. P.93-94.
Courses Taught:
– Second foreign language (French);
– Practical grammar;
– Practical phonetics;
– Third foreign language (French).
French Philology Department
57 Shevchenko street, 805
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018
tel .: (+380342) 59-60-81