Our graduates are successful all over the world!
Kateryna Moysiuk
works at SoftServe as a software engineer. Graduated in 2018, majoring in Philology. Romance Languages and Literatures (including translation) |
Lysanyk Mariia
French teacher at Kalush Lyceum № 2 of the Kalush City Council, Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Graduated in 2015 with a degree in “French Language and Literature,” and winner of the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian “Teacher of the Year – 2019”competition (category: “French Language”). |
Smushak Tetiana
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of French Philology. Graduated in 2007 with a degree in Language and Literature (French). In 2017, she defended her PhD thesis ‘The Concept of Loneliness and Alienation in Ukrainian and French Literature of the First Half of the Twentieth Century (Based on the Autobiographical Novel “Without Roots” by Natalia Koroleva and the Autobiographical Novel “The Wine of Loneliness” by Irene Nemyrowski)’ (supervisor: Professor N. Yatskiv), speciality 10.01.05 – Comparative Literature. |
Kseniia Mykhailiuk
founder and director of the educational space “Collab”. Graduated in 2017, speciality “Language and Literature (French)” |
Bumba Vita
Senior Analyst on Intellectual Property Protection at Global IT Support. Graduated in 2019, speciality ‘Philology. Romance languages and literature (translation inclusive)’ |
Bunziak Yaryna
The winner of the scholarship competition from the Foundation of the Institute of East European Studies with a master’s thesis on ‘National Identity Markers of Anne of France, Queen of France, in Contemporary French Prose’, and a PhD student in 035 Philology. Graduated in 2020, |
Vitaliya Yurchak
PhD, attorney at the Staten Island Court (New York). Graduate of 2011, majoring in “Language and Literature (French).” |