Actual problems of translation

Student Scientific Club “Actual Problems of Translation”

(Head: Assoc. Prof. Bilas A.A.)

The scientific focus of the club is to update students’ knowledge of the basic concepts and problems of translation studies; to continue work on improving the application of basic translation theories; to familiarize them with the peculiarities of translation activity in modern conditions; to equip students with a system of general theoretical and specific rules for adequate translation of the semantic meanings of language units from words, phrases to different types of sentences and texts; increasing students’ motivation for in-depth study of French texts of various genres in order to translate them correctly; developing professional and communicative language skills in the translation sphere.

The priority scientific areas of the club’s work:

  • Translation features of lexical and structural realization of French spoken language.
  • Reproduction of the functional load of French spoken language.
  • Fundamentals of translation studies analysis
  • Translation practice in the social and humanitarian sphere.
  • Writing reports for participation in scientific conferences and scientific articles.


  1. Preparation of master’s students T. Khoptii and H. Martseniuk for presentations at the meeting of the foreign languages section at the reporting scientific web conference of teachers, doctoral candidates, postgraduate students and university students for 2020.
  2. Preparation of the master student Halyna Martseniuk for participation in the section “Reproduction of the elliptical identity of the characters’ speech in the Ukrainian translation” in the IV International Scientific Conference “Translation Tradition and Translation Studies” IV International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Romance and Germanic Philology and Applied Linguistics” (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University).
  3. Ambroziak T. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Philology: Trends and Priorities of Development” (Odesa, 2018)/
  4. Ambroziak T. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Development Strategies and Tasks of Philological Sciences” (Zaporizhzhia, 2018).
  5. Matviyiv E. IV International Scientific Conference “Modern Research in Linguistics, Literature and Intercultural Communication” (ELLIC 2017, Ivano-Frankivsk).
  6. Participation of master student Halyna Martseniuk with a report “Reproduction of the elliptical identity of the speech of the characters of a literary work in Ukrainian translation” in the section “Translation Tradition and Translation Studies” IV International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Romance and Germanic Philology and Applied Linguistics” (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University).
  7. On October 04-06, 2022, the VІI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “MODERN RESEARCH IN LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION”; “EXPLORING LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (ELLIC 2022)” was held at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk. The reports were presented by the best students of the Faculty, in particular, Pavlo SorokhteiIvano-Frankivsk Regional Scientific and Practical Conference of French Language Teachers “Translation as a linguistic and social problem. Theory and practice”.
  8. Participation of master student Halyna Martseniuk with a report “Reproduction of the elliptical identity of the speech of the characters of a literary work in Ukrainian translation” in the section “Translation Tradition and Translation Studies” IV International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Romance and Germanic Philology and Applied Linguistics” (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University).
  9. Master’s students of the Department of French Philology presented thorough reports at the scientific conference of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
  10. The defense of our students’ coursework projects took place.

Participation in forums:

Literature Against the War in French Translation. An international seminar organized by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Aix Marseille (Faculté des Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences humaines Aix Marseille Université).

The media space:


Translation project “Poetry Against War” with the poet Natalia Krisman:

At a creative meeting of PNU students with the famous poet Natalia Krisman, whose poems are used in numerous patriotic songs, our students Anna Semchuk and Diana Zhoyan read their creative translations of her poetry.

On the occasion of the International Translation Day (September 30), the Department of French Philology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University organized a translation workshop “Ukrainian Contemporary Poetry in French” (moderated by Andriy Bilas, Associate Professor of the Department).

Translation internships and practices:

Preparation and publication of scientific articles: